Helston, nestled in the heart of Cornwall, England, is a charming market town and civil parish that boasts a truly unique and age-old tradition known as the "Furry Dance" or "Flora Dance." This captivating event, held annually on May 8th, aptly named Flora Day, marks the jubilant arrival of spring and the promise of warmer days. The Furry Dance is a cherished relic of Cornwall's cultural heritage, entrenched in Helston's history for centuries.


In this spirited celebration, people of all ages don their finest attire and take to the streets of Helston, following a carefully choreographed route punctuated by a succession of traditional dances and melodies. Among these dances, the "Morning Dance," the "Hal-an-Tow," the "Children's Dance," and the "Evening Dance" take center stage.


A particularly enchanting facet of the Furry Dance is the lavish use of vibrant flowers and verdant foliage. Participants and onlookers alike adorn themselves with floral arrangements, while the streets come alive with resplendent floral displays. The iconic "Hal-an-Tow" dance features individuals bedecked in elaborate costumes and masks, crowned with splendid floral wreaths and garlands.


The Furry Dance's enduring tradition has been handed down through the generations, deeply ingrained in the town's cultural fabric. It beckons both locals and tourists, promising a vivid and joyous celebration of spring's resurgence and the unifying spirit of community. It's a testament to the timelessness of Helston's heritage. Please be aware that the details provided are based on information available as of September 2021, and there may have been developments or modifications since that time.



Our Partner Florist

In Bloom (Helston), website-4593075765161141149137-florist.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral

Wellington Rd, Porthleven, Helston, United Kingdom, TR13 9HH


We also deliver flowers to the following nearby areas:

Redruth (including Camborne)

Falmouth (including Penryn)

St Austell






St Ives

St Blazey (including Par)